Sunday, August 26, 2007

Big Day Out (James)

We set out on Saturday the 25th with the intention of trying a whole host of different Chicken Rice stalls and trying and reviewing them all for you to see. When we got there the levels of Chicken Rice available was overwhelming. Not just steamed Chicken Rice either, that was just what we managed to get through. There was numerous other roasted stalls which we may have to try some other time. All in all there were 5 different places all competitively priced at the seemingly standard price of $2.50, at least in the case of the stalls i'll be reviewing.

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I purchased two chicken rice plates from New Leong Kee Hainanese Chicken Rice and Tong Fong Fatt Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice. Overall i had a good experience, but then again who cant have a good experience when it comes to Chicken Rice, and lots of it. as i said before there were FIVE different places.... FIVE. how many times have you been to a hawker and looked around and said to yourself "oh look there are five different places you can get Chicken Rice from. Oh how do i choose, which one should i go to?" well that is the kind of question that outings like ours try to achieve the answer to. We did all the hard work and stretched the limits of our taste to bring you the best of the best from Parkway Parade (although we did find time for a waffle afterwards and personally for me two sweet talks... Hey like pirom said it was a hot day).

Anyway, the reason your all here, the reviews:

New Leong Kee Hainanese Chicken Rice - Overall a good experience from this place. The rice was quite nice and the Chicken was served on a different plate so I could douse the rice with sauce. Some may say that ruins the taste but personally i just like it as i've said before. The rice was quite nice but tended to be a bit cloggy and stuck together. For me that just made it a little less of an experience but you know what? there were another FOUR stalls which we got rice from so I could just mix and match as I choose. The Chicken on the other hand was very nice and wasn't too tender but also wasn't to tough. It had a nice mix. I'd like to add a picture but i accidentally, in my haste to eat the chicken rice forgot to take the picture. No problem though. The food was served on two different plates like I said before with some vegtables on the side. I dont know if that helps you at all but oh well. On the other end of the meal we got some chili with the chicken. Now i've had hot chili before, but this was HOT chili. It kind of ruined the taste a little but in moderation it seemed to go okay. Overall i wasn't entirely impressed with the chili with only one of the stalls chili impressing me. Overall i'd give this stall a reasonably high 6.5/10

Tong Fong Fatt Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice -

This was the last Chicken Rice place we reviewed so it would be easy enough for our tastes to be tainted due to the overwhelming amount we had already eaten. That didn't prove to be a significant problem for this place though. Personally I liked the meal i was given. The rice again was a bit soggy but overall not to bad and i was able to add the sauce. The Chicken was a little too tender but it had a nice taste to it overall. The chili also made a nice addition to the meal. It was different to the others and a little sweeter. There was an overall nice taste to this place and as a result i'm inclined to rank them higher then the previous stall but only by half a head. This was just based on the overall taste of the Chicken Rice as a whole: 7/10

The following is a picture of Scott and Pirom after enjoying a nice couple of serves of Chicken Rice and preparing themselves for the waffle ahead of them

Note: If anyone can recommend a place which has a wide variety of different stalls for us to try submit the name in the comments by all means so we can go out there and provide you with quality reviews, I hope. Thanks for reading and keep viewing for more updates from Pirom and potentially our first guest review from Scott.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Epic... (Pirom)

So I see no one turned up to join us for the 'Meet the chicken rice crew', i have to say i was slightly dissapointed... But anyway, it turned out to be Scott, James and I who did go to Park Way Parade on a rather hot saturday afternoon. Kirean who was supposed to come is sick, so yeah, i guess Scott took his place for today.

James said there were 5 chicken rice stalls at the Parkway parade food court/market, and we all got a chicken rice from each stall; no skin, no bones. Only Scott who is a noob got chicken rice with bones and skin on. (more on this later). All chicken rice cost $2.50 except from one stall ($3 which wasn't that great, more on it later) and came with rice, some times veg and soup.

So this is the line up:

Leong Kee Chicken rice

Stall 01-144 (i think its called Xu Ji Chicken rice, red colour sign)

Lee Heng

Tong Fong Fatt

Qi Le F&B

Overall the experience was interesting and good fun. Its nice to be able to taste and compare chicken rice with all of them together on one table, a congregation of chicken rice. Let me point out now, the chicken rice all here weren't fantastic, some had some good points but were then often let down by their bad sides. Some were just plain crap. The judgement was written on the spot and we did calibirate points carefully, retasting each and comparing one with each other.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Meet the Chicken Rice Crew

This coming weekend the Chicken Rice Crew (Pirom, Kieran and James) will be doing a mass review to make up for the fact that we've been on exams recently and have not been able to do any reviews. On the weekend I went out to Parkway Parade and there was a nice Hawker there with lots of chicken rice places. This will involve a sampling of each independant stall and a review following. I only got to try two of the chicken rice places on the weekend but i'll save the review for when we are all able to do a review. It's going to be a chicken rice crawl if you will. You'll be able to meet the Chicken Rice Crew and in turn be able to join us for some healthy and wholesome chicken rice. The date and time is TBA (although it will likely be this coming weekend) as well as a map detailing location. Stay tuned and subscribe to the RSS feed so you'll be able to see when we update with new information.

Update: We've decided that anyone who comes along will be able to give a brief review with their head ranking which will be posted for the world to see

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice Alexendria Village Hawker Centre (Pirom)

Thanks to Ieat over at for this one. I was over here last week and after wanting to eat that Claypot laksa over at Alexendria Hawker centre i decided to get the chicken rice too. I have to say, i was a bit skeptical with the high 4.6/5 rating from Ieat (too each his own taste i guess) and with that 'C' health rating i was even put back slightly a bit further. But you know what they say, the dirtier it is, the better it will be right?

So, i got my plate, no skin no bone as usual (too keep standards for ratings) which was given to me shortly. The rice i have to say was disappointing; it was soggy and clumpy, with broken grains all over the place. I'm hoping this was a bad day because the rest of it was fantastic. It just such a pity on the damn rice though.

Now, on to the saving grace, the chicken. Oh man i have to say, this has to be the best chicken from any chicken rice stall i've ever have. It was juicy, succulent, moist, tender, and all those perfect things that a piece of steamed chicken need be. It tasted mildly of soy sauce and a bit of sesame oil in it, nothing to over power the chicken as some hawker places do to cover up for some very indecent and steamed badly chicken. This without a doubt beats down every other place i've had so far, a damn fine plate of steamed chicken giving that umami taste, mmmmmm. For me i think this is a near perfect chicken you can get with the perfect chicken perhaps being in heaven or some other dimension.

For this i award my highest rating of a 3.75 heads. Now, i dont have a 3.75 heads so ill round it up and give it a 4 head. (im feeling nice) I really do hope that they can keep up the quality of the chicken every time.

For the rice, the oh so dissapointing rice i have to give only a 1.5 heads, it really sucked that time, i too hope this one a day mistake and they improve upon it.

The condiments were fine, with the chili being nice, not too over powering. They however didnt give me ginger which kinda peeved me a bit, but the chicken being so good i give them a 1.5 for the condiments.

SO, some maths, 4 (chicken) + 1.5 (rice) + 1.5 (condiments) = 7/10

The question is now whether this is better then Pow Sing which i gave a 7.5. Well the thing is, if your a big chicken fan and dont bother about the rice, come here instead. If you want the full experience (and pay slightly more but with air con) then its Pow Sing to go to. Personally i would prefer coming here also because of the bloody tasty Clay pot laksa which i give a 8/10 heads for in tastiness.

Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice
Blk 120 Bukit Merah Lane 1
Alexandra Village Hawker Centre
Stall 01-15
10am to 8pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Hols