Hey everyone, I know our hundreds of fans have been dying to get a review from Kieran so here it is:
Just down in Holland Village Hawker lies a little chicken rice place. It sits on the corner of the center and from what I've seen, primary makes roasted chicken rice. This place is what could be seen as my local. I come here most Saturdays lunch times during exams as a little treat. You may be saying "Kieran... just because you go there a lot doesn't make it good chicken rice" and I will agree with you which is why I will be tough marker with this place:
Just to be harsh to begin with I will start from the bad points and work my way up to some of the better factors of this stall.
(Just a note: I am attempting to mark harshly to allow room for excellent chicken rice. I will be following Pirom's scale)
- CONSISTENCY: consistency always seems to be the failing factor in most chicken rice restaurants. Holland Village chicken rice tends to be no exception sadly. For me it has been consistent when I've gone by myself but for some reason they always let me down when I bring friends there. Every time I decide to bring James and Pirom they let themselves down. Despite the consistency factor there are many other factors to look forward to on a 'good day'. -1 points
- CHICKEN: Chicken for the most part is tender and succulent. There have been very few times that I have visited and received bad chicken. The chicken is served in a rather generous quantity, specially considering the quality. Now I would like to point out that if you catch this place on a 'good day' the chicken you will get is top of the line... one could say the best way to describe it when it's good would be AWESOME. 3/4 for chicken (assuming it is always a good day)
- RICE: The good old rice. The rice at Xiang Ji is generally very good. It is tasteful and fluffy. I have visited very few times when the rice is not nice. Never too dry the rice is perfect to eat alone or with extras such as chili. And thats all I have to say about that. 3/4
- CONDIMENTS: Ah where would we be without condiments. I don't really have much to say about these. The Chili is pretty spicy not too chunky and doesn't distract you from your chicken rice which is how I prefer it. The Dark Sauce is perfect and they also offer ginger. I believe when I brought Pirom to visit he commented that the ginger was not great... BUT POINTS FOR TRYING! 1/2
Time for maths:
Consistency : -1
Chicken : 3
Rice : 3
Condiments: 1

That gives us the nice rounded number of 6/10 for Xiang Ji Chicken Rice Holland Village. Now remember; I attempted to mark harshly with this ( Sorry guys that know me there ) but 6/10 is pretty damn good in my books. Please go and try it if you're in the area and if it's not good.... try it again the next day.
Oh, almost forgot, visit at lunch times as per normal with most chicken rice stalls.
Here we go with my slogan: And remember you can't spell chicken rice... with out chicken and rice.... ? at least i tried...
Thanks for reading.
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